Saturday 01 October 2016 -
14:00 to 17:00

This year Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland celebrated her 90th birthday. She’s the longest reigning monarch in British History, and has been Queen for nearly 65 years.

What would you like to ask the Queen?  What would you wish her for her jubilee birthday year?

Write a letter to Her Majesty the Queen and we will send the best three letters to Buckingham Palace. The best three letters will also win a (royal) prize.

Competition Entry Conditions:

  1. Each entry must be written by the child, must be completely the child's own original work and must not copy other work. Letters which copy or plagiarise other people's content will be disqualified.
  2. Letters should be handwritten.
  3. Entrants can include pictures.
  4. The entry must be written on the official entry form which can be collected from the UK tent on 1 October on the Boulevard during the EU village.
  5. The theme of the competition is 'Write a letter to Her Majesty the Queen’.
  6. The competition is open to children aged under 14 on 1 October 2016.
  7. The word limit is 300 words.
  8. After the letters have been completed, please check that the name of the child, their age (on 1st October 2016), school name and postcode have been added on each entry form.
  9. Entries should be posted in the red post box at UK tent on October 1 during EU Village activities from 14:00 until 17:00


Sign-up to the competition

1st of October 2016 at 14:00

Competition Closing Date

1st of October 2016 at 17:00




Beginning of November 2016